What Have You Bought Today?

What a good idea I thought, the M5. Just had a look at the £800 price ticket and thought that we will continue to make do with our 46 inch rear projection TV and betamax video in the van. Great idea though!
Amazon seem to have just dropped the price to £799.99 which makes it look like a bargain in comparison!
What a good idea I thought, the M5. Just had a look at the £800 price ticket and thought that we will continue to make do with our 46 inch rear projection TV and betamax video in the van. Great idea though!
the M5 i bought from Amazon was a return so i think i got it for around £600. This is a 5g unit like the newer M6. You can get 4g units a lot cheaper and to be honest i have only once been in a 5g reception area.

Dont quote me but I think the good data performance partially comes from the MIMO internal antenna.

i use a projector in the van for Prime and Cinema HD playback so i get the benefit.

The betamax will be worth a bob or two:) Got any Phillips disc players knockin around.
My aim is Greece but Mrs AJ thinks it's a bit far (she also said that about Croatia last year but thought it well worth the journey in the After Action Report!). In the end, I hope we will reach a compromise and do what I want.
Mr Amazon delivered a little clip on USB rechargeable fan today - It's quite small but chucks out a surprisingly powerful breeze which will hopefully have a cooling effect on our next road trip (one of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BV5S2Y75?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details). I also went down to my local camping store and picked up another 'coupler' for the EHU cables as last year for the first time we found ourselves pitched almost at the limit of the two longer (of three) cables that we take with us - another 2 ft from the EHU and we would have needed another cable in the chain with only one box to cover the joins. I wouldn't want to submerge them in water but at least they should keep a bit of drizzle out.
We have similar fans (probably the same but a different badge) They are, as you say, quite effective. They served us well last year, and hopefully will next week as we head off to France/Spain.

A new black and grey 'car trash can' to go with our old black and grey labrador.
Mrs Wayne was always embarrassed by our use and display of heavy duty doggy bags on our doorstep of the van for teabags and coffee pods (any food waste is naturally consumed by said Zak the Labrador).
No more! This wonderful device, although not obvious to construct, will be a point of envy to any neighbouring campers who happen to gaze upon its veritable beauty..... not..... potentially the best £12 I have spent all week!View attachment 208691View attachment 208692View attachment 208691View attachment 208692
We use the same but for a slightly different purpose, sits on the middle of the rear bench held in place by the middle belt and the elastic tie down up over to the isofix point - then it holds the younguns water bottles, a packet of wipes and gives them somewhere to dump the crisp bags. The mesh side pockets hold I Spy books.

Very handy little thing with lots of potential uses.
