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message typing ain' working :D i know it's on the other side of the road, what i'm saying is that there's a solid white line so i thought no overtaking was aloud as a general rule.. :unsure: is it different on higher speed roads, not sure as i thought single B roads this applied... need to go to school again :laugh:

Had a look on the web & there's different explanations on it.. clear as mud.
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message typing ain' working :D i know it's on the other side of the road, what i'm saying is that there's a solid white line so i thought no overtaking was aloud as a general rule.. :unsure: is it different on higher speed roads, not sure as i thought single B roads this applied... need to go to school again :laugh:
Do you mean the solid white line that's also a dashed white line?

There's 2 sides to these lines, if they're both solid, no overtaking in either direction. If one side is dashed, overtaking allowed on that side of the road.
The line changes to a double solid (meaning no overtaking for either direction) further up, those arrows are telling people driving in the opposite direction to @TheGrapeEscape that if they are performing an overtake, they need to complete it an return to their own side of the road as overtaking will not be allowed very soon.
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Do you mean the solid white line that's also a dashed white line?

There's 2 sides to these lines, if they're both solid, no overtaking in either direction. If one side is dashed, overtaking allowed on that side of the road.
The line changes to a double solid (meaning no overtaking for either direction) further up, those arrows are telling people driving in the opposite direction to @TheGrapeEscape that if they are performing an overtake, they need to complete it an return to their own side of the road as overtaking will not be allowed very soon.
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:thumbsup: wasn't 100% on the solid line thing.. had a little google just to bring me up to speed... i'll go back in my cave :)
on another note... just bought some mats... front & step mats in anthracite from Mega Van Mats - match the camped out material colour :thumbsup:

Next on the list... a mat for the kitchen area about 1m x 800mm, porta potti & tent & mattress or similar airbed bases
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The Highway Code is the correct answer.
It upsets me now when I get to roundabouts and left lane is left only and right lane is straight on and round.

When I passed my test 20 years ago, it was always left lane to go left or straight on then right lane to go right or back round on yourself.

Really bothers me more than it should
It upsets me now when I get to roundabouts and left lane is left only and right lane is straight on and round.

When I passed my test 20 years ago, it was always left lane to go left or straight on then right lane to go right or back round on yourself.

Really bothers me more than it should
And there's never any road markings until 20ft before that tell you...

I passed my test 23 years ago now... Holy hell.

I still remember my instructor telling me that when you're passing a car on a DC, you wait until they're fully visible in the left mirror, then pull back in - that means you've given enough space and aren't chopping them off. I still use that rule to this day! Funny how stuff sticks with you over the years.
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And there's never any road markings until 20ft before that tell you...

I passed my test 23 years ago now... Holy hell.

I still remember my instructor telling me that when you're passing a car on a DC, you wait until they're fully visible in the left mirror, then pull back in - that means you've given enough space and aren't choppy then off. I still use that rule to this day!
I still use that rule too. I also still to this day use the rule for parallel parking

1) park level mirror to mirror
2) turn wheel one full turn
3) when car gets to 2 o clock (10 if on o/s), take lock off
4) as soon as curb is visible with your door handle in mirror, full lock other way

No joke, it's the best parking method ever, gets you close to curb everytime.
I still use that rule too. I also still to this day use the rule for parallel parking

1) park level mirror to mirror
2) turn wheel one full turn
3) when car gets to 2pm, take lock off
4) as soon as curb is visible with your door handle in mirror, full lock other way

No joke, it's the best parking method ever, gets you close to curb everytime.
I rarely parallel park these days, but when I do...

I was genuinely astonished at how I'd managed to get into this spot in my old Superb!
It's the A30 between the M5 and Cornwall. It was 74 miles on the A30 until my turn at Torquay, u was overtaking a tractor in the slow(er) lane, but I didn't see it go from 70 to 60. 70mph speed limit on the whole 73.99 miles, I choose to overtake at the 0.01 which is a 60
Bullshit. That's the camborne dip and you were coming from Hayle direction. The A30 is 60 from St Erth up to and including the spot you were caught. Doesn't switch to 70 until the dual carriageway at the far side of the dip. It's also not an average speed camera. It's a fixed one, albeit a newer tall yellow style.
Bullshit. That's the camborne dip and you were coming from Hayle direction. The A30 is 60 from St Erth up to and including the spot you were caught. Doesn't switch to 70 until the dual carriageway at the far side of the dip. It's also not an average speed camera. It's a fixed one, albeit a newer tall yellow style.
Exactly what I said. I'm not a local, I thought it was 70, it wasn't. The ticket is my proof. Go have a cup of tea, you sound stressed!

That's the spot, although, that's not the camera. It was a big average speed looking one, 2 cameras on one arm thing. Locals will know the spot no doubt
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When I passed my test 20 years ago, it was always left lane to go left or straight on then right lane to go right or back round on yourself.
There has always been the caveat of "...unless road signs or road markings indicate otherwise".
And there's never any road markings until 20ft before that tell you...

I passed my test 23 years ago now... Holy hell.

I still remember my instructor telling me that when you're passing a car on a DC, you wait until they're fully visible in the left mirror, then pull back in - that means you've given enough space and aren't chopping them off. I still use that rule to this day! Funny how stuff sticks with you over the years.
32 years ago I passed frightening..
A digital tape measure for those pesky height barriers.
Our van is 2.1 high and if the roof bars are on, but empty 2.2m
The barrier heights seem to be around 2m, 2.1 and 2.2m
sometimes there is a little bit of extra allowance, so with a quick check we could potentially get in a 2m or 2.1 car park.
This little thing is usb rechargeable and has a very clear display in bright sunlight, and obviously be helpful for some diy jobs,

Ps, if I drive into a barrier and smash my poptop roof I’ll let you know..