I had a look at my OEM swivel they dont seem any lower than normal seats when on 'drive' position. But I do see that fogstar does protrude a bit higher than the seat base.
@Dellmassive do you have any pics with the seat refitted to show how much space there is?
Also what is the Roamer like in comparison to the Fogstar regarding the amount that is higher than the seat base.
If you had neither of these, and were just looking for one, which would you choose?
ALso I think one of these fuses would help with the bolt length on the positve terminal:
MRBF Terminal Fuse Block - 30 to 300A BS5191 Blue Sea 5191 Compact, high-amp fuse—appropriate for DC Main, inverter, windlass, and bow thruster circuit protection Provides high current protection in tight space constraints Ignition protected when used with Blue Sea Systems' MRBF Terminal Fuse...
Bud I don't have a T6 my bus is a 2006 T5.so I'm unsure if there is a difference in seat base dimensions.........I also own a gen 2 roamer SB battery..not a fogstar..........you needed to know all that because I investigated a cube fuse.physically bought one. In my case becuase it seemed such a space saver over a mega fuse. I have added height in my set up as I have an RIB seat swivle( extra height to clear handbrake on turning)
On mounting the cube I found the top ( of the +ve terminal uncomfortably close to the RIB ( solid steel). With only a thin rubber cover between that terminal and metal I rethought and went back to roamers cool cover. So basically really measure before buying your cube fuse.
I am not a sparky.......but basically I have just 2 wires on the pos one is very thin the smart shunt's ( BMV 712) pos ( forgive me if I'm wrong sure it's the shunt i'm shattered) the other huge 40mm2 leading to a positive bus via 250A mega fuse and main isolator
Basically what I'm trying to get out even if my specifics on the little wire are wrong is are you not better off running most of the cables to a positive bus bar and then not having to worry on the length of thread available, on your pos batt terminal?
PS One can save space by using a pos bus with mega/ midi fuses like this
_S2I2480 by
Stuart Philpott, on Flickr
if you look in this second image you can just see that fuse box come pos bus( with cover on) top of pic mounted to the side of my drivers SB with the roamer batt. Ha on the other side same SB is my 100 /20 MPPT ( by god it's snug in there)
_S2I2528 by
Stuart Philpott, on Flickr
Slightly left field but it really helped me when putting the above together I made a mm accurate thin ply wooden box exact size of the batttery..............that box really enabled me not only with my mad battery holder but also planning where all the gizmo's would go.......also alot easier to pull in and out than 20KG or so
Buddy soz this is slightly off : different T model, different battery model , but maybe it will help...it's amazing what you can actually get under 2 single seat bases
Ha and final tip whist wafflin'

rubber edging on all sharp edges of both bases top and botton.nowt to chafe cables nowt to scratch beautiful new battery lmao and of course soft delicate fingers like mine don't get battered mauling 20kilo
Ahh well me leccy works even if me toggle don't