Matty I'm stu (and slightly bonkers forgive me that)....right buddy you are new so have a dig for the seat base electrics thread.forgive me I'm rushing I think its a how WE done it in Del's threads "How I done it" threads in this section ....if you can't find it I'll dig for you later. ........... but look at those anyway they are a mine of info Fair play to Dell. ( massive)
I have the same bolt Matt, on a's an earth bolt.....i simply cut it off....they are situated all over the van cab floor I think covered the cut with something called Zinga it's a cold gavanising product
I have actually packed the rear of the battery on the underside to lift it with some really dense foam just to lift it a tad..........also kept rubber matt preddy much intact ..also I have sound deadened the cab floor and partially insulated it.....I put a degree of thought into that second layer the insulation....basically raising areas of the floor around where I knew..ha ha or thought I knew, I would run cables later on
Mate note the rubber channel i've glued with a structural adhesive all around the sharp SB edges as an aside I think this might be a real asset to you as it was me
I made a dummy battery out of wood slightly oversize,2 reasons one so I could progress with my build in a pretty precise way before the battery landed and have a physical thing to work around,2nd 'cause I'm lazy and couldn't be doing with lifting batt in and out multiple times.too much like hard work
I''ve cobbled up a bit of left over oak work top which holds my isolator Matt ha ok I had to have a walnut ring in there too 'cause I'm me. planned design to really secure batt in place is goiing to involve that OWT ^ it won't really be of help to you though and also the T5 and 6seat bases may differ size I can only help in a liimited way
Cool link Matt I kinda like making stuff.well put it this way I've always needed to make stuff to save money I didn't have to spend anyway I've taken the same approach with my ickle camper build
Not as much help as I'd liike.................but it's a start for ya hey mate.?.....all the luck in the world buddy