Thank you very much for your log file - a good sample of 3135 seconds of "normal" engine operation and 1165 seconds of DPF regeneration at fairly high speed. Also quite intriguing part is the high rev section inside DPF regen - need to compare soot burn rates vs. "normal" revs
Everything, including differential pressure, are similar what I have observed on my T6.
I think in this sample the "high" differential pressures are because of DPF regeneration.
During the regen the EGR valve is closed - thus no exhaust recirculation - all the air that is sucked into engine goes eventually to exhaust along expanding combustion gases from cylinders. In addition to that during DPF regen into exhaust stream an extra dose of diesel is injected which then will be combusted in the catalytic converter - thus further expanding exhaust stream - all this hot gas will be fed into DPF - to finally burn soot off - again contributing to expansion of exhaust gases. Thus quite a stream of hot gases through the DPF - creating a significant the pressure loss across the DPF. As the DPF itself can't strech or expand - the more gas flow - the more pressure loss.
Would be interesting to calculate ratio of air intake mass flow vs. DPF differential pressure

(a) before DPF regen, e.g. from 2800 to 3130 seconds (EGR operational)
(b) during hot phase of DPF regen, e.g. from 3250 to 3600 seconds (EGR off)
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