TU3 is the vendor code for Exide
It appears to be connected, but I read these shunts can be fried by jump starting - any way of testing them?Shunt wiring on the negative battery terminal not reconnected?
Thanks, I am topping off the battery in the van today, make sure it is fully charged, then I'll take it for a run and if it still isn't working I'll have to get back to the feller who installed it.Dare I say "VCDS"?
The shunt works by giving millivolt level differences across it proportional to the current going through it.
You may be able to use a good, accurate multimeter on the output terminals to see if you can measure the voltage drop with a load on the battery (discharge current check with lights on/engine off, or with the engine running you would see the charging current)
but VCDS will show any issues straight away.
It may just be that the battery isn't fully charged yet, or the requirements for its implementation haven't been met so stop start has been disabled until it is.